Debian series(Debian / Ubuntu / Kali):
apt update -y
apt install wget -y
RedHat series, only based on RedHat 7+, grub2(CentOS / AlmaLinux / CloudLinux / RockyLinux / OracleLinux / Fedora / VzLinux / ScientificOS / RedHat Enterprise Linux / Tencent OpenCloudOS / AWS AmazonLinux / AlibabaCloudLinux or AliyunLinux / OpenAnolis):
yum install wget -y
or (for Redhat 8+):
dnf install wget -y
Alpine Linux:
apk update
apk add bash wget
sed -i 's/root:\/bin\/ash/root:\/bin\/bash/g' /etc/passwd
wget --no-check-certificate -qO InstallNET.sh 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/leitbogioro/Tools/master/Linux_reinstall/InstallNET.sh' && chmod a+x InstallNET.sh
wget --no-check-certificate -qO InstallNET.sh 'https://gitee.com/mb9e8j2/Tools/raw/master/Linux_reinstall/InstallNET.sh' && chmod a+x InstallNET.sh
bash InstallNET.sh -debian
Kali Rolling
bash InstallNET.sh -kali
Alpine Linux Edge
bash InstallNET.sh -alpine
Alpine Linux is a kind of light Linux release and it's friendly to those machines that have lower performance, system memory at least 256MB is necessary.
CentOS 9 stream
bash InstallNET.sh -centos
AlmaLinux 9
bash InstallNET.sh -almalinux
RockyLinux 9
bash InstallNET.sh -rockylinux
Fedora 39
bash InstallNET.sh -fedora
Ubuntu 22.04
bash InstallNET.sh -ubuntu
Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
bash InstallNET.sh -windows
Default configurations of SSH or RDP service
Recommended desktop terminal client is Xshell or Putty.
Default user name
For Linux: root
For Windows: Administrator
Default password
For Linux: LeitboGi0ro
For Windows: Teddysun.com
Default port
For Linux: The same as the former system which you were connected by terminal.
If you didn't assign any other ssh password or port, after system installation, you must change the default password immediately or switch to ssh key login to prevent unauthorized access!
For Windows: 3389